Saturday, July 5, 2014

NEW MOVIE: Dark MsStress ‘Sexy and the City’ (2014)

The series continues as we learn more about Tranztek and the mysterious 'Super Soldier' who was captured and transformed into 'Daisy' by Dominique Sinclair (aka Dark MsStress)
Machinima Written & Directed by Midnight. Score recorded by Midnight. Filmed in Second Life.
Please Enjoy! Subscribe to my channel & please leave comments.

~ Midnight


  1. Nice movie. you are really talented. would have loved to see more transforms. and maybe mistresses girls should all get a uniform?? keep it up..

  2. Thanks for the comment. Well, I think the fun part of transforming her victims into mindless female servants is dressing them up in whatever sexy outfits she needs them to wear. More fun than the same uniform all the time. Tranztek would be more likely to use uniforms. ~Midnight

  3. woow

    i hope
    more men in sexy ladys + brainwash

    is amazing good
    thanks thanks for working

    can:t wait of the next video !!

    lg from germany
